Centrica Journeys

Centrica Journeys Logo

Centrica Journeys: Support for Grieving Children

Centrica Journeys offers year-round grief counseling for children, teens and their families who are hurting after the death of a loved one. Grieving children can express and process their thoughts and feelings, learn healthy coping skills and interact with others close in age. This grief counseling program is free and supported by donations from the community.

Girl Scouts of MI

The Centrica Journeys program meeting space is located at the Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan Program and Training Center located at 601 W. Maple Street, Kalamazoo, MI 49008.

Small groups led by trained grief counselors and volunteers help families begin to heal after the loss of a loved one.

Art, music and interaction encourage children and teens to express feelings, share memories and learn how to cope with their forever-changed lives.

Evening sessions are available; 5:45 pm to 7:30 pm. Dinner is included.

To register, please complete this form or call us at 269.345.0273.

For More Information:

what to expect
What to expect

First, we’ll schedule a private time for your family to come in and learn more about Journeys. Please include a daytime phone number so we can reach you.

The meeting will be a time for your family to talk privately with a grief counselor about your situation and to see whether the group will be a good fit for you. Expect the meeting to last about one hour.

Remember, all families need to register in advance before attending a Journeys group, and you or another adult needs to stay with your child or teen while they attend Journeys.

What to expect

Become a volunteer

Become a volunteer