
Physicians, your goal is to make sure your patients receive the best care – including when they’re at home between office visits – and improve their outcomes. The sooner you refer to Centrica Care Navigators, the more we can do to support your patients and their families at home.

Reduce ER visits and hospital admissions

The expert support from Centrica Care Navigators can help resolve many health challenges to keep your patients out of the ER and the hospital, enabling them to stay at home where they prefer.

Discover how Centrica Palliative Care can manage symptoms at home before the final six months of life.

Learn more

Support for family caregivers

At home, family members take on caregiving duties for which they are often unprepared. That role usually comes with many questions and a need for education and training. Centrica Care Navigators provides caregiver coaching, 24/7 phone assistance, as well as emotional and spiritual support for families.

Support for your staff

As a patient’s serious illness progresses, their family may increase phone calls to your office with questions and concerns as well as requests for more frequent office visits. Centrica Care Navigators can handle many questions and care for your patients at home to decrease office calls and lighten your staff’s workload.