Skilled Nursing and Assisted Living Centers

Your top priorities include keeping your residents safe, comfortable and enjoying the highest quality of life in your facility – which includes keeping them out of the ER and hospital. Partnering with the team from Centrica Care Navigators will help.

Extra support for your residents

Our team features experts in managing even the highest levels of pain and other symptoms. Let us help you maintain the greatest comfort possible for your residents.

Discover how Centrica Palliative Care can manage symptoms before the final six months of life.

Learn more

Extra support for your staff

Seriously ill and terminally ill residents often have time-intensive needs. With the staffing challenges many agencies are facing, our team can become an extension of yours and help relieve some of their workload with our expertise in end-of-life care.

Assistance with advance directives and difficult conversations

With all the other responsibilities of your staff, it can be hard to find time for difficult conversations with residents and their families regarding terminal illness and care wishes. Our social workers and counselors are trained to lead these sensitive discussions.