-End-of-life-careWhy a music therapist is part of your end-of-life care teamWhat are our guests and patients listening to while they’re receiving care? Live music by music therapists. Learn about their special training and why they turn to translators September 20, 2022Read more
-End-of-life-careWhat your social worker will do for you and your familySome days, all you want is someone who will listen. That’s what social workers do for hospice patients — that and much more. August 29, 2022Read more
-End-of-life-careWhy you should never delay hospice: Less compassionate care, more painDon’t wait until the last minute – there’s comfort and compassion in hospice care available for months. Learn more here. August 23, 2022Read more
-End-of-life-careWhat you need to know about advance directivesThey’re sometimes called “a gift to your family” when you can’t act on your own. Get your advance directives in place today. August 18, 2022Read more
-End-of-life-careNot a cure, but compassion: Treatment continues in hospiceHospice care is the the right time to focus on making every day comfortable. Find out more. August 9, 2022Read more
-End-of-life-careThe things you can do while you’re in hospiceIs it the right time for hospice? Then it’s not the right time to give up hope. Find out more. June 14, 2022Read more
-End-of-life-careMore than cancer: What all patients discover in hospice careConfronting the myths of hospice: Care isn’t only for cancer patients. May 27, 2022Read more
-End-of-life-careThe best way for you to pay for end-of-life careYou want a service that stands out above the rest. We do that in a very important way. Click on the link to learn more. May 13, 2022Read more
-End-of-life-careHow we help the “unbefriended”: Hospice care with or without family membersThey’re called the “unbefriended,” living alone without any support. Discover what we’re doing to help. May 6, 2022Read more
-End-of-life-careWhy You Can’t “Go” to HospiceWhen you’re “in hospice,” what does that really mean? It’s not where you go, it’s the kind of care you’re receiving. April 29, 2022Read more