Who pays for hospice?
Medical treatment, including end-of-life care, in the United States is expensive. That’s no secret to anyone. If you need us, we can help. Centrica Care Navigators accepts patients based on their need for care, regardless of their ability to pay. It’s one of the factors that makes us unique here in southwest Michigan.
We are a nonprofit agency, so we make use of the contributions from our generous donors. They help cover the costs of care for everyone who needs our support. You might have seen some of our fundraising activities already: maybe you received a mailing from us, or you’re looking forward to our special summertime events, Golf ‘Fore’ Hospice and the Butterfly Release. We raise money to bring our service to everyone who needs it.
Unlike Centrica Care Navigators, a for-profit agency only takes patients who can afford to pay. That means a lot of people don’t get the opportunity to receive compassionate, community-based end-of life care, simply because they can’t afford it.
That’s the most important thing to know: if you need our support for end-of-life care for you or a loved one, we will help you, even if you don’t have insurance coverage, and regardless of your ability to pay. The cost of care isn’t something you need to worry about.
Even though expenses are covered for you or a loved one at Centrica Care Navigators, it’s helpful to understand who’s paying, and how.
There are several ways care is paid. Medicare, Medicaid, and/or private insurance (which you might have from your employer) can all help. Ask a professional, like the ones here at Centrica Care Navigators, to learn more about how your costs are covered.
Original Medicare coverage for hospice, has been part of Medicare Part A for decades. With that benefit, the costs of care are covered, as long as the patient qualifies for hospice. That’s true if you have a Medicare Advantage Plan or other Medicare health plan.
Note, though, that Medicare coverage does not include room and board at our hospice sites (Rose Arbor Place and Glenn Arbor Place).
Choosing hospice care means you’re not seeking other kinds of care for your terminal illness. (You can change your mind later with no penalty.) Hospice care under the Medicare Hospice Benefit covers but isn’t limited to:
- The medicine, supplies, and services needed for pain relief and symptom management
- Social and emotional support in the form of social workers, hospice aides, chaplains, and others who work closely with you to achieve your goals
- Grief counseling for the patient, family members, and other caregivers
Similar to Medicare, active Medicaid covers all hospice services. Unlike Medicare, you may be eligible for coverage of room and board at our hospice sites through a special Medicaid grant program, though this may not be a guarantee for the future.
Private health insurance
If you have health insurance through your employer, you’re typically covered for hospice services. All plans are different but most times you will be responsible for cost-sharing applied by your insurance for things like deductibles, copays, and coinsurance.
If you start a new job while enrolled in hospice, make sure you let us know so you or your loved one can continue to receive the right care.
Financial assistance
If you do not have your own insurance and cannot otherwise afford the service, we’re still here to help. Centrica Care Navigators may provide financial assistance, made possible through donations, gifts, grants, or other community sources. Awards are based on financial need.
As a community-based nonprofit hospice, we seek donations from the community to meet our mission of providing hospice care for everyone who needs it. That is our purpose, to support everyone who needs end-of-life care, regardless of their insurance status or ability to pay.
The details of paying for hospice care might seem complicated at first. The simplest way to describe them is that whether it’s Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance, or even no insurance coverage at all, you will receive the compassionate care you deserve at Centrica Care Navigators – and you won’t have to worry about your ability to pay.
You can learn more by exploring our website or calling Centrica Care Navigators at 269.345.0273.
Our Mission is to guide and support individuals and their caregivers coping with illness, aging, dying, and loss by providing compassionate medical, emotional, spiritual, and personal care.